These times have been tough for many retailers, restaurants, and other businesses that are working hard to keep their business going during the pandemic. Although most consumers are doing their best to stay home and shop online, does that mean your physical retail presence isn’t relevant anymore?
While budgets are tight for obvious reasons, this might be the best time to consider making some smaller physical changes to uplift your brand and the tweak the customer experience in your store.
Winning Wondrland Interior Design’s Free Design Consultation contest, the new owner of Stitch International in Park Royal, Jyoti Ladhar, has been focused on the continued success of the service side of the well-loved local alterations business. Improving operational and workflow for the staff in back-of-house is essential but making a great visual impact at the storefront and through the customer experience inside the store will both serve to draw in new customers and deepen the satisfaction of existing loyal customers.